
The new website of Huakang Lanched on Aug 22

To step up our public effort, expand the brand effectiveness and foster a good image, we redesigned our official website. The revised website has been on-line operation since Aug.22th, 2014.

With the time going by, Internet becomes one of the most powerful methods to touch people and interact with people. That revised web made great progress in format adjustment, functional constituency and operation. It lays stress on the combination of HUAKANG philosophy and page style and carries out a concise and simple design concept upon the web typography and color match. It, with main colors of green land and blue sky, expresses our product position: healthy, environmental, green non-pollution. Every page, both the home and the individual, is professionally designed and made with care in vision, color and scene. The home page equips with a banner play button in toggle state to present pictures in a most direct way. Hegan, our retail and on-line-sale product, also releases its micro message public No. and code in the right bottom of home page to build an easier and faster macro messaging platform.

With the practical style of application in web functional and operational setup, we set 5 modules: About us, Products and services, Press center, Human resources, and Contact us. All information about our products becomes available after clicking Products and services. More details of single product also get accessible after your further selection. The Press center collects almost 400 essays and 200 industry information and its accompanying pictures in all ways, just like the diversified, open and inclusive HUAKANG itself.